segunda-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2011

Untitled Book

So, last year, something sad happened to me: my best friend died of Leukemia.
Since I am an English undergraduate student with an emphasis on Editing, I decided then for my graduation project to collect some of my conversations with him and editing into a book. The idea of doing it, not only is it painful, came from the purpose of doing something that would actually mean something to me and that it would be a way of always remembering him.
One time, he tried committing suicide and after he came back from the hospital we talked about it and I asked him how he could do something to me like that and not let me at least say goodbye to him. He told me I would eventually find out about the incident, in case he had been, let's say, "successful" with it. Then I asked him if that was it, if I would never seen him again in case he actually had died, and then he told me:

"ah não amado... para sempre é longe demais;
sempre tem uma hora que a gente se encontra
lembra de mim que eu vou estar sempre pensando em você!"

Which would be translated to:

"oh no my dear... forever is far too much;
there is always a time when we will meet
remember me for I will always be thinking of you!"

It's conversations like these that makes this project even harder to complete, but still, even more valuable!

domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2011


Es ist mir kalt
Ein kalter Tag
Ein kaltes Wetter
Eine kalte Liebe

Was soll ich jetzt machen?
Soll ich warten auf eine Liebe,
die mir versprochen wurde?
Oder soll ich langsam zur Vergessenheit gehen?

Ich gehe auf der Straße hinab
Ich denke an ihn
Ich kann nicht verstehen den Grund
Warum müsste er gehen?

Könnte ich ihm nicht helfen?
Könnte ich deine Hände nicht halten?
Könnte ich nicht ihn sagen,
wie groß meine Liebe für ihn war?

Ich verstehe nicht den Grund!
Ich habe Angst davon,
ich ihn vergessen wird.
Ich soll das nicht machen! Ich muss das nicht machen!

„Vergiss mich nicht“ sagte er
Und ihn zu vergessen darf ich nicht
Soll ich nicht
Darf ich nicht!

quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011

Das Herzleiden

Sometimes, when we ask someone a question
 – as simple it may sound –
 silence is simply another way of saying no.

Sometimes, when all we want to listen to
is a simple “wart auf mich bitte”,
we get an empty stare instead

I have raised my voice,
you, on the other hand,
have lowered yours

May time heal these wounds –
es muss schnell vorbei gehen –
for I want to be soon free from
meine Sucht nach dir.

terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011


And time won’t pass
I can hear it –
the tick-tack-toe

Counting every second
minute and hour
just to be with you

And time wouldn’t fly
Mocking me
Scorning me

For all that I didn’t do –
would the tick-tack-toe go

And I could cry out your name
In vain
And I would gaze into the moon
O so bright and full

And I would feel it too –
like that same tick-tack-toe

Pleading to come out

A single tear came around –
like that tick-tack-toe.

Learn a lesson

Life is fragile –
a heart can break –
cherish each moment,
shed every single tear.

Life is short –
live it well –
with your head high
and with a smile

Don’t regret
what went wrong –
I know it’s hard.

Life is fragile –
a heart can break.
I sure know it,
because mine is broken.

I first wrote this poem when I was living in Fountain Hills, Arizona. I was getting my bags - five of them, I might add - to go back to Brazil, when I realized how I was feeling about leaving everything and everyone behind. Of course, while writing it I had a specific person in mind, who, should I say, "helped" me and "pushed" me into writing a bunch of other poems regarding what I felt and our pseudo-relationship.
This poem was first written on a piece of paper from my notepad from the Pub I used to work for, on the 3rd of May.

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011


From the black hole it comes
Fast and swift – dangerous and quick
From the black hole it roars
Its angry cry of angrily despair

From the black hole it rides
Around the same place it goes
Taking us through imagination and desire
From the black hole it comes

Its light brings us hope as
It also brings us death and
sorrow – relief for the ones who
suffered among us – as a whole

From the black hole it comes
Once again, as yesterday, as now
From the black hole it comes
Singing its sad and angry cry

Nova Iorque, 13 de agosto de 2011


This World pulls all of us
around - But this World won't tie
this little bird to the ground

Cidade do Panamá, 17 de julho, 2011

Um poema bem simples e pequeno para dedicado à minha amiga Maíria Tula Barbosa!

E se?

E se eu lhe disser que te amo?
Você diria o mesmo?
E se eu lhe disser que sinto a sua falta?
Você sente a minha também?

E se eu disser que eu penso sempre em você?
Será que você pensa em mim também?
E se eu disser que quero você?
Você largaria tudo e viria correndo para mim?

E se eu disser que 6 meses longe de você é tortura?
Você esperará por mim?
Pois eu sei que,
meu coração sempre esperará por você!

Belo Horizonte, 26 de agosto, 2011

Um poema pequeno e simples. Nascido de uma noite mal dormida; pensando em uma pessoa em especial. Uma simples pergunta, mas que faz toda a diferença! E se? Nos perguntamos sempre isso e nunca estamos contentes com a resposta ou a fato de nunca soubermos o que realmente seria se algo tivesse acontecido diferente.

Neste caso, esta pergunta vem questionar a possibilidade de eu ter a coragem o suficiente para dizer tudo o que eu queria àquela pessoa especial.

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011


April, April
Macht was Du willst

Vor dem Anfang der Frühlings
Hast du was mein war gestohlen

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Was soll ich jetzt ohne ihn machen,
kann ich mir nicht vorstellen

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Keine Lüge sie war – lügst du nicht
Denn du weiß dass ich ihn wirklich liebte
Keine Lüge hast du mir erzählt
Deshalb weinte ich bis heute

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Jetzt sollte ich nur mir vorstellen
ob es ihm gut geht,
ob er gesund ist,
ob er endlich glücklich ist

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Er war nicht deiner erste –
und ich weiß dass er nicht
der letzte würde

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Am Anfang der Lebens hat
eine Mutter ein Baby bekommen
Am Anfang der Lebens ist
es dünn, krank – – – tot

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Ein Unfall und du zieh
deine scharfe Kralle für
ein andere Unfallopfer ein!

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Warum hast du ein Kind
von seiner Mutter getrennt?
Fühlst Du dich wohl wann
Mann weint?

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Warum sind sie auch gestorben?
Warum könnte ich ihnen auch nicht helfen?
Denkst du dass ich
meine Freundin verlassen möchte?

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Vielleicht es war besser und vielleicht
hast du Rechts
Aber wie kann ich daran denken?

Unserer Leben sehr schwach ist
Und Jeden Tag reiche ich
den Duft des Tods

Ich bete zu Gott
Ich weine und ich mir vorstellen
ob sie mit Ihm sind

April, April
Macht was Du willst

Ich hoffe mir dass er mir nicht verlassen wird
Am Ende des Winters haben wir noch einmal getroffen
Nur zu später trennst Du uns von

Jeden Tag denken an dem Versprechen
dass ich ihn gegeben habe
Egal wo ich bin,
starre ich an dem Himmel und ich weiß

Egal wo ich bin,
weiß ich dass er mit mir ist
Meiner kleinen Engel,
dessen Augen grünen wären

Egal wo ich bin,
habe ich dich nicht vergessen!
Liebling, hörst du dieses Gedicht
und erinnertes dich an mir

weil ich mich
Jeden Tag
Jeden Stunden
an dir erinnere

April, April
Macht was Du willst!

Belo Horizonte, 20/05/2011

Este foi a minha primeira tentativa em escrever algo em Alemão. Com o tempo, espero poder voltar e talvez melhorar aquilo que já foi dito!


So then again here I am
Once more alone
Sitting where I always stand
In a crossroads with no one

So then again here I cry
Once more for that piece that died
Long ago when my heart
Stopped beating for good

I wonder when will I learn
How longer must my soul ache
Where are all those which were mine,
promised at birth then later deserted

And so here I stand
Once again alone in this bench
With a puff of freezing air
cutting through my skin,

making me wish I would never be
so unloved and tossed around
like a shit-bag of human crap –
unwanted, unseen, unloved

I often think of how I see myself
and how this reflects on how
you see me – but then again,
why wonder for something which is not

So then again here I am
praying for some comfort
that never comes – hoping
for a love that was never loved

Childishly, foolishly
and so does life treat me boorishly
and on with it I go
sluggishly waiting for that day

when all of you who once turned me
away would come back and say
“We were wrong to have you tossed
like you were a disposable cup

in which we drank and got what
we wanted and no use for it was set.
We are sorry for having treated you
frivolously blinded by ourselves”

But this day will never come –
and I guess if it did come,
I would simply turn my head and smile
for vindication is best enjoyed alone

So there I am, once again
Alone how this all began
and alone how it would all end
For there is no recipe

No magic that would make me crawl
into a cocoon and metamorphose me
into something I am not –
into someone you would want

me to be – but then again
this is me; childishly, foolishly
waiting for that which was said
to be mine by right and justice

That which was said to be aligned
and soon to come – my true self
my one and only love
the one who would sweep me up

But none of these came
And alone today I stand
And alone tomorrow I’ll be
Here and forever – through eternity

Belo Horizonte, 22/05/2011